Thursday, May 16, 2013

Register Now For PR Hall Of Fame Lunch!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 

It's a WHYY-FM All-Star Hall of Fame Luncheon when Terry Gross, David Bianculli, Ed Cunningham and Bill Marrazzo, CEO of WHYY, are among the guest speakers honoring ART ELLIS when he is inducted into the PPRA Hall of Fame.

Art Ellis

Please join us as we honor Art at a special event you will not want to miss! 
Dorrance H. Hamilton Public Media Commons 
150 North 6th Street 
Philadelphia, PA 19106
11:30 a.m. - Registration
Noon - 1:30 p.m. - Lunch & Program
Click here to learn about sponsorship opportunities.

As WHYY's Executive Director of Communications and Brand Management, Art oversees strategy and tactics for all communications activities. He is a member of the senior management team, leads marketing efforts for new services, manages large-scale projects and is responsible for internal and external communications. Prior to joining WHYY 25 years ago, Art was Director of Public Relations and Marketing for Philadelphia University (formerlyPhiladelphia College of Textiles & Science) and Director of Public Information for Case Western Reserve University.

Art has ably represented our field not only locally inPhiladelphia, but on the regional and national stages as well. He has planned professional development workshops and audio conferences for communication staff at PBS and NPR member stations. He has appeared on national videoconferences on public station community outreach "Best Practices."

In Philadelphia and regionally, he has worked extensively with community organizations including The Barnes Foundation, the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, theIndependence National Historical Park and the Free Library of Philadelphia's annual One Book, One Philadelphia program. He serves as a board member of the Gershman Y,Philadelphia and is a past board member of the Germantown Jewish Centre. He was vice president of the 300-member College and University Public Relations Association of Pennsylvania. He has been President of PPRA 1994-1995 (PPRA's 50th Anniversary Year),
Chairman 1995-1997, as well as a host of other positions over the years.   

One of Art's particular passions is mentoring young people. He helped start the WHYY Teen Council and last year was a leader of PRSA Philadelphia Chapter's annual PR Institute
for Young Professionals. He has mentored student projects at Drexel University and St. Joseph's University and has been a speaker at college public relations classes.  

Art has been recognized by PBS for the best local promotion of a national series. He has been honored six times for excellence in marketing communications by the Public Relations Society of America and twice by IABC Philadelphia. 

He has contributed periodic travel articles to The Jewish
Exponent. Art lives with his wife, Lynne, in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia.  

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