Sunday, May 26, 2013

Rutgers' New Athletic Director: Sorry History?

The Newark Star Ledger is out with a report that seems to raise troubling questions about Julie Hermann, Rutgers University's new athletic director.
It seems that Hermann left some flotsam and jetsam along the shoreline 16 years ago when she rather abruptly departed as head coach of the University of Tennessee's women's volleyball team.
Here's part of the story:
Their [her players'] accounts depict a coach who thought nothing of demeaning them, who would ridicule and laugh at them over their weight and their performances, sometimes forcing players to do 100 sideline pushups during games, who punished them after losses by making them wear their workout clothes inside out in public or not allowing them to shower or eat, and who pitted them against one another, cutting down particular players with the whole team watching, and through gossip.
Several women said playing for Hermann had driven them into depression and counseling, and that her conduct had sullied the experience of playing Division 1 volleyball.
And this is just a small part of the story.
Click here for the complete tale.

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