Sunday, May 12, 2013

The 10 Most Important Things My Mother Taught Me

What were the most important lessons your mother taught you?
How did she teach them? Did she teach by her actions, by her words or both?
How many of these lessons do you remember? Do you apply them in everyday life?
Here are the 10 most important lessons my mother taught me:
1. Always look forward, never backward.
2. Find humor naturally, in life itself -- even in the seemingly absurd moments.
3. Enjoy life right now -- in the moment.
4. Stay informed. Read the newspapers every day.
5. Be demonstrative. Demonstrate your love openly. Show affection.
6. Trust your children in the same way you would have them trust you. Show them you are confident in  them.
7. Be optimistic. Expect good things to happen.
8. Don't criticize other people's children unless you are sure that there is nothing to criticize about your own children.
9. Always put family first.
10. Treat people with respect while they are alive and you won't have to cry over them (or your own misplaced words or actions toward them) after they are dead.

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