Thursday, June 6, 2013

Both Dem And GOP Leaders Praise Senate Pick

“A True Professional”
Legislators On Both Sides Of The Aisle Agree, Jeff Chiesa Is “Honest,” “Straightforward,” “Proven” And “New Jersey Is Very, Very Lucky To Have” Him

Senator Nicholas Scutari (D), Chairman Of Senate Judiciary Committee: "People have always said how lucky Jeff was to meet Gov. Christie early on in his career . . . but I've always been of the opinion that the governor was lucky to meet Jeff, to have an individual of his intellect and compassion, but as well in his devotion to his principles.” (Matt Katz, “N.J. Attorney-General Nominee Sails Through Hearing,” Inquirer, 1/6/12)

  • Scutari: “Let me thank you for the service that you’ve had to the state already in the past two years, I think you’ve done an excellent job.” (New Jersey Legislature, Senate Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 1/5/12)

Senator Brian Stack (D): “You’re a true professional, you’re humble, you’re extremely intelligent, you’re honorable and you’re fair. And I think New Jersey is very, very lucky to have you.” (New Jersey Legislature, Senate Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 1/5/12)

Senator Paul Sarlo (D): “I wish there was more people that we were dealing with like you, because you’ve always been very open and very honest with us.” (New Jersey Legislature, Senate Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 1/5/12)

Senator Loretta Weinberg (D), Senate Majority Leader: “Responsive and respectful.” (Timothy J. Carroll, “Chiesa’s Strong Character Preempts Partisan Dicing; Committee Approval: 12-0,” PolitickerNJ, 1/5/12)

Senator Raymond Lesniak (D): “In all my dealings with you, and we’ve talked about some delicate political issues involving public policy, you’ve never handled them in a political manner. You have always been straight forward with me. You were always honest. And you never play the political game. And I thank you for that.” (New Jersey Legislature, Senate Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 1/5/12)

Senator Kevin O’Toole (R): “Jeff is more than qualified to serve the taxpayers, and our state’s law enforcement community … I have the utmost faith and confidence that Jeff will protect our residents with the same zeal he did as a former US Attorney.” (“O’Toole Praises Selection of Chiesa as Next State Attorney General,” Press Release, 1/5/12)

  • O’Toole: “At this time in the state’s history, [the Attorney General’s Office needs] a steady hand like Jeff Chiesa. They need somebody who is non-partisan. They need somebody who is fair. And you have the full confidence, from what I’m hearing here and what I’ve heard throughout the legislature. Republicans, Democrats, staffers all over, that it’s incredible. No one hate’s you, which is shocking.” (New Jersey Legislature, Senate Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 1/5/12)

Senator Nia Gill (D): “You know how to try the case, you have been in the trenches … You know how to employ and effectively use your resources.” (Timothy J. Carroll, “Chiesa’s Strong Character Preempts Partisan Dicing; Committee Approval: 12-0,”PolitickerNJ, 1/5/12)

Senator Jennifer Beck (R): “Both as an attorney in private practice, a federal prosecutor and as the Governor’s Counsel Jeff Chiesa has discharged his duties equitably and with integrity.” (“Beck: Chiesa Is an Excellent Choice to Lead Dept. of Law & Public Safety,” Press Release, 12/12/11)

·          Beck: “We have obviously had many difficult issues in front of us over the last two years, and that I’ve always appreciated your intellectual openness.” (New Jersey Legislature, Senate Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 1/5/12)

Senator Kip Bateman (R): “Persistent, effective and fair, and he’ll do much to make New Jersey a safer place to live.” (“Bateman: Chiesa Is Eminently Qualified to Be State Attorney General,” Press Release, 12/12/11)

·          Bateman: “Proven himself both in private practice and the public sector.” (“Bateman: Chiesa Is Eminently Qualified to Be State Attorney General,” Press Release, 12/12/11)

Assemblyman Jon Bramnick (R): “Attorney General Chiesa’s gun buyback program is a success. It is taking guns off the street and hopefully reducing the amount of violence. New Jersey appreciates his efforts that will make a real difference throughout our state.” (“Bramnick, Attorney General’s Gun Buyback Program Is A Success, Press Release, 2/20/13)

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