Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Call Capitol Hill Now; Speak Out On Immigration!

From the Independence Hall Tea Party Association
Harry Reid and the US Senate rejected, today, the Thune and Vitter Amendments to the  "gang of eight" Immigration bill by the respective votes of 39-54 and 36-58.

The Thune Amendment would  have strengthened the southern border while the Vitter Amendment would have "prevented the legalization of any immigrant living here unlawfully until the Homeland Security Department can certify that every entry and exit point in the United States has implemented a biometric visa system." (Quote from Washington Examiner article below.  Click link.) 
The Independence Hall Tea Party Association supported both Amendments while opposing the overall bill.
It appears that both area Republican Senators, Pennsylvania's Pat Toomey and New Jersey's Jeffrey Chiesa, voted for the Amendments while all six area Democrats voted against them.

As overall support for the immigration bill diminishes, Harry Reid is pushing for a vote before the Senate's July 4th recess.

The 850+ page Immigration bill does the exact opposite of what the overwhelming majority of you thought appropriate according to our February survey of members and friends.
Incredibly, it awards citizenship to illegals before securing the borders. 
(All of this after the 2013 Boston Massacre!) 
The bill also includes "Dream Act" provisions that are more generous than the "Dream Act" bill which was defeated by House Republicans in 2010.
If you haven't done so already, please call the Capitol Switchboard @ 202.224.3121 or 202.225.3121 and ask to be connected to the office of your US Senators
DE:  Carper, Coons;  NJ:  Chiesa, Menendez;  PA:  Casey, Toomey
(For direct Senate office numbers, visit: http://independencehallteaparty.com/_page_=81)
Tell your Senators that the 'gang of 8' Immigration bill should be dead on arrival--especially without the Thune/Vitter Amendments.
Special Note:  Our New Jersey friends have a new Republican Senator, Jeffrey Chiesa.  It is urgent that you make every effort to get through to him.
As well, our Pennsylvania friends should contact Senator Pat Toomey.  We need to sure up his support for our position.
Also, please contact Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-TN) and Senator John Cornyn (R-TX).  Tell them both to hold firm against the bill.
Many thanks for your calls,
Teri Adams

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