Friday, June 28, 2013

Cardinal Newman Society Promotes Faith On Campus

A special lessage from the Cardinal Newman Society:

What an exciting time to be in Rome!

Catholics from across the globe traveled to the Eternal City this week to attend Sacra Liturgia 2013, the conference to study, promote and renew appreciation of the sacred liturgy.  And your Cardinal Newman Society sponsored several Catholic academics to attend the conference!  It's only the beginning of our larger project to spur on liturgical renewal in Catholic higher education (please support our mission!).

Our Catholic Education Daily has several must-reads by our scholars attending Sacra Liturgia.  Christendom's liturgical music director Kurt Poterack wrote on how to 
Chapelhave a beautiful sung liturgy on campus.  Wyoming Catholic theologian Peter Kwasniewski discussed the centrality of the Mass in college life.

Also, don't miss Thomas More College artist-in-residence David Clayton's inspiring piece about his work beautifully transforming the campus chapel.  And College of Saint Mary Magdalen president George Harne has a great article about why college students should study sacred music.

Please join the Newman Society in praying that more Catholic colleges join our Newman Guide colleges in embracing reverent worship!

- Adam Wilson, Director of Communications

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