Saturday, June 15, 2013

Catholics: Wake Up; You're Losing Religious Freedom!

A special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

"We need to wake up," says Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia. And he's exactly right!

Because as of August 1, Catholic colleges, universities and countless religious organizations will have to comply with the oppressive HHS sterilization-contraception-abortion mandate or face crippling fines.  But we're not powerless!  Please join our bishops in the Fortnight for Freedombeginning next Friday, June 21.

Need some motivation to give your friends?  Archbishop Chaput said: "The day when Americans could take the Founders' understanding of religious freedom as a given is over." Now dwell on that for a moment!
Like our pageRead more here, and see the latest threat to colleges here.
In trying times, God's providence and power are most evident. I take hope in the fact that countless Americans are standing up for truth, morality and faithful Catholic education!  I am blown away that our Facebook page just reached 10,000 Likes this week… and it's just the beginning.  Please help us grow by joining our Facebook page and Sharing/Liking our top post!

Oh… and today's the deadline for students and alumni of Newman Guide colleges to win a free CD of the chart-topping album, Angels and Saints at Ephesus! Details are here.

- Patrick J. Reilly, President
The Cardinal Newman Society

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