Friday, June 14, 2013

Christie: Put Skill, Abilities Of Veterans To Work For NJ

Transcript From June 13, 2013:

Governor Christie: We have a lot of challenges ahead of us, but that’s nothing new for all of you. As I look out in this room I see the eyes of people who have confronted challenge their whole lives. 
We all have good days and bad days. We all have successes and failures. We all have moments when we have complete confidence in what we’re doing, and other moments where we second guess whether or not our actions have been the best ones for our own future. 
But one thing I hope you know after today that I believe, and that is despite any of those ups and downs the experience and the commitment that you display everyday to your communities, to our state and to our nation is irreplaceable. 
And so whenever I’m asked to come here and speak I will come because I know that it’s only going to be through our partnership that we make our state a better and stronger place. It’s only going to be through our partnership that we raise the level of understanding on those challenges that veterans face and it’s only through that partnership that we’ll be able to exploit in the best way the skills and abilities that veterans bring home after their military service to make our state better.

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