Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Court Decision Presents 'Unanswered Questions, Burdens'

A message from the Alliance Defending Freedom:
The U.S. Supreme Court has handed down its decision involving the federal Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA.
In a profoundly disappointing decision, the High Court has ruled that Congress does not have the right to maintain a federal definition of marriage. This effectively means we will no longer have a national definition of marriage. The federal government may now be required to accept any legal definition of marriage that a particular state invents. This leads to many unanswered questions, new government burdens, and consequences that we will have more to say about in the coming days and weeks ahead as we analyze and further unpack this disappointing decision.
Congress and President Clinton had good reason for protecting and affirming marriage through DOMA in 1996. While this decision is unfortunate, it will not end the national debate over marriage. In fact, the legal battles over the definition of marriage have provided the perfect opportunity to reintroduce the American people to the goodness and value of marriage. Once the people examine all dimensions of the debate, and why marriage is important, we’re confident America will return to a strong and healthy marriage culture, recognizing that marriage is the institution upon which a healthy and thriving society is built.

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