Thursday, June 13, 2013

Legislation: Christie Signs Seven, Vetoes One

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today took action on the following legislation:


S-1469/A-2756 (Madden, Sweeney/Quijano, Vainieri Huttle, O’Donnell, Ramos, Albano) – Provides surviving spouses of certain fire and police personnel who die in line of duty with workers’ compensation for entire period of survivorship

S-1904/A3131 (Sarlo/Prieto, Wagner) – Allows for the issuance of special licenses to sell alcoholic beverages in qualifying development projects

S-1961/A-3011 (Whelan, Allen/DeAngelo, Coughlin, Riley, Wagner) – Establishes “Veterans Higher Education Commission”

S-2144/A-3613 (Gill/Schaer) – Repeals and replaces Chapters 1 and 7 of the Uniform Commercial Code and revises various additional provisions of the code

S-2353/A-3628 (Madden, Allen/Conaway) – Adds one member to New Jersey Epilepsy Task Force and extends for one year

SJR-38/AJR-91 (Beck/Cryan, O’Donnell, Stender) – Designates January 11 of each year as “Clarence Clemons Day”

A-792/S-1973 (Munoz, Green/O’Toole)  - Directs hospitals to establish protocols for dispatch and patient transport by specialty care transportation units used for inter-facility transfers


S-2399/A-3845 (Scutari, Whelan/Greenwald) – ABSOLUTE – Provides, under certain circumstances, for immediate issuance of marriage and civil union licenses at the time license application is made

A copy of the Governor’s veto message is attached to the release.

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