Sunday, June 9, 2013

Live Blogging The Tony Awards - Part 5

Oliver Plat and Liam Neeson are on the stage now. And their schtick is fun. But it's too obvious that they're reading their lines.
Now, Best Direction of a Musical. And the winner is Diane Paulis for Pippin. Well-desrved. This woman literally redesigned an old show and brought it to life again and made it relevant for today's audiences. Pippin is one of the sensations of Broadway this year and every honor that it gets is tryly earned. Paulis' speech is heart-warming, wonderful, inspiring!
Now, best direction of a play. Pam MacKinnon wins for Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Again, very well-deserved. If you missed this show (it has since closed) you have missed one of the great theatrical events of the year.
Now, a scene from Motown appropriately introduced by the principals from Jersey Boys.
Okay, so this is largely a jukebox show. These are songs that we all know. But it's great to see these songs performed this way. The kid playing the young Michael Jackson is phenomenal.
We've already got our tickets to Motown. Have you got yours?

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