Sunday, June 9, 2013

Live Blogging The Tony Awards - Part 8

Now we've got scenes from a bunch of Broadway shows paired with The Rascals song Good Lovin.
Well, the Rascals have gotten old and fat.
But at least they haven't been botoxed or had their faces lifted to the point where their noses are almost gone. They look just as they are -- all beat up. But the music is still great.
Now Jesse Eisenberg is on. This guy talks way, way too fast -- all the time. There's something about him that's a bit unnerving.
Now, here's the award for Best Play: Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. As we've already noted, this really IS the Best Play of the year.
This play was produced by about 20 people. And, dammit they've all come up to the stage to receive the award.
But, guess what?
The American Theater Wing will only present two Tonys. The rest of them (if they want Tonys) must buy them for $1,500 each.
Ohhh . . . Now we have Sandy (the dog from Annie) French kissing Neil Patrick Harris, live!
Harris responds: "You know I'm in a relationship, yes?"

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