Thursday, June 20, 2013

Vatican Still Grappling With Bank Problems

If you read the following release very, very carefully (and we admit, that isn't easy) you may be able to vaguely discover something about what the Vatican is up to vis-a-vis its financial problems:
Yesterday morning, the old Synod Hall was the site of a meeting—organized by the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See—of the administrative heads of the various dicasteries and dependent agencies of the Vatican, according to a note issued by the director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J.
The meeting, attended by all the personnel of the Prefecture along with international auditors, is the second of its kind, the first having been held in December of last year for the presentation of the Prefecture's new rules. It will be followed, probably each six months, by other similar reunions.
After reading a short greeting from the Holy Father, signed by Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., and an introduction by Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi, president of the Prefecture, an interesting agreement was presented, by virtue of which Banco Santander offered its availability to place its contacts and formative resources, drawing upon the wide network of the Bank's relationships with the international academic world, at the Prefecture's disposition.
Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu, substitute of the Secretariat of State, also spoke, giving his greetings and encouragement. The Prefecture's secretary, Msgr. Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda, and Accountant General, Dr. Stefano Fralleoni spoke, in turn, to explain the historical development of the Prefecture's preparation of the consolidated financial statements and the importance of properly preparing budgets in the governance of the economical administration.
In particular, information was given on the progress made in preparing a consolidated financial statement that isn't limited to the two specific areas of the Curia and the Vatican City Sate, but which also extends to the areas of the pastoral outreach and charitable activities that are overseen by the Holy See.
The financial statements in question will be presented in documented and detailed form at the next meeting of the Council of Cardinals—the so-called “Council of Fifteen”, which will meet, as usual, in the first days of July—to study the Holy See's organizational and economic problems. The meeting was followed by a series of addresses and questions on the part of the participants, among which are to be noted the speeches by the international auditors, whose presence and participation were highly appreciated by all present.

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