Friday, June 7, 2013

Video: Obama Speechless Without Script; Can't Function!

A president who doesn't even know who he's talking to.
A president who cannot function without a script.
This is a shallow, phony presidency enabled by low-information voters.
Are you one of them? Are you one of those who voted for this man?
Do you know that four Americans died at Benghazi (including our ambassador) without any defense or any explanation as to how and why this happened?
Do you know that your phone records, your e-mail records, even your credit card transactions have been turned over to the government without your consent?
Do you know that the Obama administration has willfully spied on the news media?
Do you know that the IRS has targeted individual groups and suppressed their right of free speech simply because their views are at odds with those of the administration?
Do you realize that on January 1. 2014 Obamacare will effectively take over one-sixth of the US economy.
Elections have consequences.
Think about it.

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