Tuesday, July 16, 2013

37th Elected Democrat Endorses Chris Christie Re-Election

Garfield (NJ) Deputy Mayor and lifelong Democrat Tana Raymond today forcefully endorsed Governor Christie’s reelection and contrasted his record of economic progress, job creation, and reform with Barbara Buono’s failed economic record and dated, disastrous vision for New Jersey’s future. Deputy Mayor Raymond, a former Chairwoman of the Garfield Democratic Party, endorsed Governor Christie’s bid for governor in 2009, citing the broken promises and failed policies of Jon Corzine – failures Barbara Buono was part and parcel of as his Budget Chair.

“Four years ago, I stood up to support Chris Christie and a new direction for our state as we faced a battered economy, hundreds of thousands of lost jobs, and tax and fee increases that halted any hope for a turnaround. Four years later, Governor Christie continues to represent progress and hope for our state, while his opponent represents yesterday,” said Tana Raymond, Deputy Mayor of Garfield. “This is no clearer than in Barbara Buono’s economic plan, which is nothing short of a return to the days of reckless Corzine-era policies, wild-eyed government spending, and tax and fee increases that killed jobs and stifled economic growth.”

As chair of the Senate Budget Committee, Barbara Buono was the architect of Corzine’s budgets and failed economic record of prolific job losses, increased taxes and fees, and irresponsible, gimmick-laden budgets that crippled New Jersey’s economy. Barbara Buono has voted for a massive 154 tax and fee increases while serving in the legislature.

“Buono’s plan is a relic of her time as Jon Corzine’s Budget Chair – a time New Jerseyans know we can never, ever go back to. As a Democrat and as an elected official, I am compelled to speak out against the threat her policies represent to our families and our steady economic recovery. I am still a proud Democrat and work every single day to meet the needs of the residents of Garfield as Deputy Mayor. And I am proud to vigorously and vocally support Governor Christie once again,” concluded Raymond.

Raymond becomes the 37th elected Democrat to endorse Governor Christie in his campaign for reelection, continuing to signal the broad, bipartisan support earned by the Governor.

The Governor has received strong support from across the state and political spectrum, many of which represent new endorsements in 2013 that were not received in 2009, including 22 leaders of the state's African American clergy community, 25 building trades labor organizations, the National Coalition of Latino Officers, the Career Fire Chiefs Association, and leading members and organizations representing New Jersey's Hispanic community.

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