Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chaput: Some Right Wing Doubts About New Pope

In Rio for the World Youth Day sessions Philadelphia Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput has admitted that some right wing Catholics are "generally not really happy" with the first few months of Pope Francis' pontificate.
The Archbishop made his remarks in a interview with the National Catholic Reporter.
Here's an excerpt:
Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia is renowned for speaking plainly, which in part means he's often willing to say things out loud that others in his position may sense but are hesitant to acknowledge.
During an interview in Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday, for instance, Chaput bluntly tackled three questions about Pope Francis, his early record, and his current trip to Brazil:
  • The 68-year-old Capuchin conceded that last night's mob scene with the papal motorcade was a "frightening moment," hinting that perhaps Francis could listen a bit more to handlers charged with his safety and saying, "There has to be some distance between the crowds and the Holy Father."
  • Chaput acknowledged that members of the right wing of the Catholic church "generally have not been really happy" with some aspects of Francis' early months and said the pope will have to find a way "to care for them, too."
  • Chaput defended Francis on concerns in some circles that he's been silent on abortion, gay marriage and euthanasia, saying, "I can't imagine he won't be as pro-life and pro-traditional marriage as any of the other popes." He insisted the bishop of Rome "has to talk about those things."
Click here for the full interview.

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