Thursday, July 18, 2013

Christie Signs Five Bills, Vetoes Two

Governor Chris Christie today took action on the following legislation:


S-1456/A-2390 (Sweeney, Vitale, Beach/Vainieri  Huttle, Burzichelli, Singleton, Coughlin) – Prohibits discrimination against potential organ transplant recipient on basis of mental or physical disability

S-1899/A-2750 (Bateman, B. Smith/Ciattarelli, Simon, Peterson, DiMaio) – Designates portion of U.S. Route 206 bypass in Hillsborough Township as ‟Peter J. Biondi Bypass”

S-2177/A-2919 (Madden, Beach/Fuentes, Mosquera, Riley, Benson, Moriarty) – Creates the ‟New Jersey Security and Financial Empowerment Act” to assist victims of domestic violence and sexual assault

CC S-2524/A-3062 (Gill, T. Kean/Schaer, S. Kean, Eustace) – Requires dental plans to make out-of-network payments based on assignment of benefits

            A-3848/S-2631 (Coutinho, Caputo/Ruiz) – Revises permitted amount of surcharge on admission charges at major places of amusement


S-1778/A-1196 (Greenstein/Stender, Egan, O’Donnell, Wimberly) – ABSOLUTE -  ‟Thomas P. Canzanella Twenty First Century First Responders Protection Act”; concerns workers’ compensation for public safety workers

S-2163/A-3696 (Lesniak, Cunningham/Mosquera, Wagner, Jimenez, Giblin) – ABSOLUTE - Concerns arbitration for certain non-teaching school staff

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