Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cooler In South Carolina? You Bet It Is!

So, we're sitting here having my breakfast under a mammoth Live Oak in dreamy, semi-tropical Hilton Head thinking: "Wow, are we lucky we got outta the Northeast and headed south."
Turns out we escaped a heat wave.
The truth is that right now it's actually at least ten degrees cooler down here than it is up there.
For years we've been spending part of the summer in the South and marvelling at the fact that summer here (especially on a barrier island by the sea) just ain't as hot as people say it is.
We tried to spread the word. We really tried.
But no one would buy it. When we tried to explain this, no one would listen to us.
Now, maybe they're starting to listen.
Just pick up your national weather map and look at the temps.
It's cooler here in the South.
We were right all along.

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