Thursday, July 11, 2013

How Catholic Colleges Undermine Catholic Teaching

A special message from the Cardinal Newman Society and its president, Patrick J. Reilly
Our recent reports about Jesuit colleges and universities just turn my stomach:Georgetown is lauding "pro-choice" John Dingell as representing "the very best of our Georgetown tradition."Santa Clara's version of "ethics" is deadly. Gonzaga is referring students to work at Planned Parenthood and more. A Boston College journal article advocates abortion funding. AndFordham is cheering the advance of same-sex marriage.

But I thank God for the Newman Guide colleges, which joined The Cardinal Newman Society in signing the U.S. bishops' statement on religious liberty. It was an historic joint effort with the Southern Baptists, and we're proud to be a part of it.

And thank God for Archbishop Chaput! After the Newman Society brought it to his attention, he has taken a clear stand against dissent at Chestnut Hill College.

Please continue to pray for and support The Cardinal Newman Society so more Catholic families benefit from the TRUTH about Catholic education (you can now set up a recurring donation or make a one-time gift here). May God bless you!

- Patrick J. Reilly, President

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