Friday, July 26, 2013

How You Can Help Keep Catholic Colleges Faithful

A special message from the President and Founder of The
Cardinal Newman Society:

It has been more than four years since 367,000 of the faithful stood together with The Cardinal Newman Society and called on the University of Notre Dame to live up to its status as the flagship Catholic university in America.

A lot can change—for the better and the worse—in four years, so we decided to take a look at what is happening on the ground at Notre Dame from the inside.
Notre DameI hope that you will read ourexclusive interview with Father Bill Miscamble, C.S.C., author of the new book For Notre Dame: Battling for the Heart and Soul of a Catholic University.And I hope that you read ourreport on the Sycamore Trust, the effective and active Notre Dame alumni organization.

It tends not to be very public, but alumni action can be quite effective when done right.  The Cardinal Newman Society has advised and worked with alumni from a number of Catholic universities.  They are most effective when they can point to the example of the faithful colleges that we recommend in our Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College and collaborate with through our Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education.

It would be easy to give up the fight for the colleges that have drifted from their Catholic missions, but they belong to (and with) the Church!  So I urge you to continue to pray for their renewal and to support the important work of The Cardinal Newman Society.

We must continue to increase our work to promote and defend faithful Catholic education… and continue to have a real impact!  That impact is only possible by the grace of God and from the support of so many people like you.

Please know how very grateful I am for that support.  Please donate today if you can (click here), and please keep us and the good people fighting for the soul of Notre Dame in your prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Patrick Reilly
Patrick J. Reilly
President and Founder

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