Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Christie Executive Order Helps Sandy Rebuilding

As part of his ongoing commitment to rebuild homes damaged by Sandy, Governor Chris Christie today signed Executive Order No. 137, temporarily allowing minors to volunteer for nonprofit organizations engaged in housing construction. Existing state law prohibits minors from performing construction work, allowing only for minors between the ages of 14 and 17 to volunteer in the construction of affordable housing. The Executive Order encourages volunteers to help in the Sandy rebuilding effort by permitting minors between the ages of 14 and 17 to volunteer for non-profit organizations engaged in housing construction.

The Executive Order maintains all current labor safeguards that protect minors involved in construction, such as barring them from using heavy equipment and power tools, and will only be in effect until the end of 2013.

“In the aftermath of Sandy, New Jerseyans of all ages came together to rebuild our state, including many minors working with charitable organizations like Habitat for Humanity,” said Governor Christie. “This Executive Order allows minors to safely give back to their state and help their fellow citizens during their time of need.”

In signing the Executive Order, Governor Christie directed the Commissioner of Labor to take all appropriate steps to effectuate the Order.

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