Friday, July 12, 2013

Poll: Lawyers Hit Bottom, Military Get High Marks

Note that nearly every group has dropped from 2009 to 2013 in terms of their perceived contribution to society.
Lawyers are now down to 18% - a new low for them. Lawyers need a lot of help in this area, as we well know -- a lot of help!
Journalists suffered a huge loss (not that they were very high to begin with) from 38% to 28%. Maybe that's because the public now sees that the Dominant Media are hopelessly biased.
The only ones to witness any type of noticeable jump were business executives -- a three-point uptick from 21 to 24. Still, not an admirable figure.
And clergy have posted a downright dismal showing at 37%.
The five groups in positive territory: engineers, scientists, medical doctors, teachers and the military. But even all of those have lost ground since 2009.

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