Thursday, July 11, 2013

Poll: Obama Numbers Now Slumping, 'Under Water'

According to the new Quinnipiac Poll, American voters give President Barack Obama a negative 40 - 52 percent approval for the way he is handling foreign policy, his worst grade ever on that score. The president's overall job approval is a negative 44 - 48 percent.

"President Barack Obama is in a slump, under water for the last two surveys," said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

The president has lost support among women and independent voters - the folks who supplied the key votes for his re-election just eight months ago. In April, the president's overall 49 - 45 approval rating included a 44 - 46 percent verdict from independent voters. Now he gets a negative 36 - 53 percent rating from the same group. Since April his approval among Democrats is down from 89 - 8 percent to 83 - 11 percent, while his negative 9 - 87 percent score from Republicans is virtually unchanged.

Obama's score among men has remained relatively stable from a negative 42 - 51 percent in April to 40 - 53 percent today. But among women there has been a noticeable drop, from 56 - 39 percent approval to a slim 48 - 44 percent positive rating.

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