Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ten MORE Summer Trends We Hate

Our first list of Ten Summer Trends That We Hate was a huge hit. Hundreds tuned in for it.
So, we're back with more. Yes, here are ten MORE summer trends we hate. Pay attention! Here we go:

1) Back-to-School sales in July. Talk about rushing the season! What the hell's this all about?

2) Tiny porkpie hats on big, burly men. We know the porkpie and the fedora have both made a comeback. But if you're over a certain weight, they just look ridiculous. Guys, to pull this off it's best to look like Don Draper, OK?

3) Tank tops. Hey, they're not even in style anymore. Plus, more often than not both men and women who wear them really don't have much to show off. Ditch them!

4) Food on a stick. If you're eating anything on a stick it's probably loaded with fat or grease or sugar and more calories than you can imagine. Eating off a stick is for animals, not humans.

5) Taking your cooler with you everywhere -- especially into a hotel. C'mon, you don't really wanna lug that cooler through the lobby and into a hotel room, do you? Get real!

6) Frozen, chocolate-covered bananas. We hate bananas year-round and we're convinced you should never eat bananas in public, especially chocolate covered ones. Nothing about this is fun: not the smell, not the look, not the texture.

7) Cellulite. It's unsightly. Please, please, please cover it up.

8) Guys wearing gangsta-bloomers instead of bathing trunks. You know what we're talking about: NBA-style, shiny, to-the-calf, saggy shorts. Yeah, that's a gangsta-bloomer!

9) Flashing bling at the beach. Gals, save your bling for the evening. The beach is bright enough already.

10) FroYo. If we see one more frozen yogurt shop filled with loud, obnoxious pre-teens or self-conscious yuppies we're gonna take the first flight to Rome and enjoy some genuine gelato -- or head to Capogiro. Have the real thing or nothing!

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