Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Video Highlights Catholicism's 'New Evangelization'

CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization is a new documentary and multi-media formation program that explores the Church’s mission within the challenges of contemporary culture. Hosted by Father Robert Barron, the documentary focuses on the cultural challenges the Church faces today, such as the emergence of “the new atheism” and relativistic attitudes toward questions of faith and morality.

While the content of the Apostolic Faith remains the same, all Catholics are called to share it with new ardor, new expressions and new methods. Reaching out to those in our culture who have already been baptized, but have drifted, we are called to awaken their faith and bring them closer to Jesus Christ and to his Church.

In classic documentary style, Fr. Barron is joined by a large group of Catholics, both well-known and ordinary. Many leading commentators on faith and culture are interviewed (see interview list at FAQ button below). Fr. Barron also showcases numerous examples of individuals and groups proclaiming the Gospel with creativity and innovation. Whether it’s in the United States, England or Australia, we see the Church alive with a renewed spirit, talking about the Lord with new expressions, and reaching out globally with new communication tools, such as Facebook.

“CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization” is accompanied by a study program for adult and mature teen faith formation, which was written by Brandon Vogt, author of “The Church and the New Media” and a well-known Catholic blogger and advocate of the Church’s evangelization efforts via the new media. The Study Program can be presented in six sessions (90 minutes each). This new Program will be released in late August, 2013, but you can pre-order now to reserve materials for formation events in the fall.

Click here for more information.

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