Friday, August 23, 2013

Buono's Legislative Record Not Commendatory

Left Behind By Barbara Buono

Barbara Buono Cast A Political Vote Against The Fiscal Year 2014 State Budget, Standing In Opposition To Critical Support For New Jersey's Most Vulnerable Residents

“Barbara Buono is grandstanding on the backs of our most vulnerable when just this past June she voted to deny access to healthcare, mental health services, housing assistance and sheltering programs, job training and food assistance for those who need it most. Since taking office, and despite extraordinary budget difficulties inherited from the mismanagement and irresponsibility of Jon Corzine and Barbara Buono, Governor Christie has repeatedly protected funding for housing and rental assistance, aid for needy families, homelessness prevention programs, and expanded efforts to get homeless veterans the support they need."
– Kevin Roberts, Spokesperson, Chris Christie For Governor, August 22, 2013
Access To Critical Health Services:

  • Buono Voted Against The Budget’s Expanding Of Health Care Access Through Medicaid. Through Governor Christie’s budget, access to health care coverage will be expanded for New Jersey’s most vulnerable citizens through Medicaid. Expanding Medicaid will mean that more New Jerseyans at or near the poverty line will have access to critical health services, while saving New Jersey taxpayers approximately $227 million in fiscal year 2014 alone. 
  • Buono Voted Against Increasing Support For Uninsured Children. The fiscal year 2014 budget continues to   demonstrate a commitment to providing subsidized health coverage for uninsured children.  New Jersey has been recognized for performance excellence in enrolling children in the NJ FamilyCare program. Funding for children in NJ FamilyCare in this year’s budget will support coverage for over 164,000 children.
  • Buono Voted Against Increasing Nursing Home Reimbursements. Under the FY ’14 budget, Nursing homes will see their Medicaid reimbursement increase by $10.3 million, providing them with additional resources as New Jersey begins its transition to managed long-term services and supports. 
  • Buono Voted Against Providing The Necessary Resources For Safety-Net Hospitals.Hospitals throughout New Jersey provide care to the uninsured and underinsured, and the fiscal year 2014 budget provides $966 million in hospital charity care funding. 
  • Buono Voted Against Funding For Cancer Screening. The New Jersey Cancer Education and Early Detection Program, which provides cancer outreach, screening and follow-up services received $12 million in state and federal support through the budget.
  • Buono Voted Against Increasing Funding For Compassionate Care. Governor Christie has taken a responsible approach to administering medical marijuana for select New Jerseyans. Following the opening of the first medical marijuana dispensary, the fiscal year 2014 budget increases funding by $823,000.

Programs To Assist Our State’s Most Vulnerable Citizens:
  • Buono Voted Against Funding For The Senior And Disabled Citizens’ Property Tax Freeze. The $214.2 million included in the fiscal year 2014 budget will continue to allow benefits to grow for over 159,000 current beneficiaries. It will also allow an expected 34,000 new seniors and citizens with disabilities to claim their first year of benefits.
  • Buono Voted Against Expansion Of The Drug Court Program. Last year, Governor Christie signed into law landmark, bipartisan legislation to help individuals with drug addiction reclaim their lives with treatment, rather than warehousing them in prison. In fiscal year 2014, funding for addiction treatment services increased by $4.5 million.
  • Buono Voted Against Greater Support For Veterans Haven Program. The Christie Administration is providing greater support for the Veterans Haven program. The Governor’s budget increased the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs funding.
  • Buono Voted Against Giving Community Providers Necessary Support. The fiscal year 2014 budget provides an additional $13.2 million in cross-departmental funding to community providers, including mental health, developmental disabilities and child care services.

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