Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Christie Post Sandy: No Shame In Accepting Help

News Conference In Sea Bright, NJ on August 28, 2013:
 Governor Christie: I’m here in Sea Bright today, not only to come back and go visit some businesses with the mayor and some of the members of my cabinet, but I’m also here because I need you take advantage of these programs for yourself, for your families, for your employees who count on you to be able to make the payroll. We fought hard to get marinas covered now under this, which the federal government never permitted before. Now we’re having them cover marinas here in New Jersey. So you know, we’re in there fighting all the time with the feds like the mayor is fighting for you, and we get these wins, and we need you to take advantage of it. There’s no shame in coming forward and getting this help. It’s something that we’ve done for other states when they’ve suffered similar disasters and it’s New Jersey’s turn to use every resource at our disposal to recover.

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