Thursday, August 29, 2013

Christie Takes Action On Pending Legislation

Governor Chris Christie today took action on the following legislation:


A-718wGR/S-2123 (Ramos, Quijano, Caride, Mosquera/Ruiz) - Requires Department of Education to biannually distribute a letter to school districts reminding districts of requirement to enroll resident students regardless of immigration status

A-2593wGR/S-1397 (Wisniewski, Prieto, Giblin, Russo/A.R. Bucco, Oroho) - Requires Director of Division of Fire Safety to review preparation of local fire mutual aid plans and determine necessity of designated fire command structure

A-2596wGR/S-1829 (Wisniewski, Sumter, Jimenez/A.R. Bucco) - Removes requirement for one and two-family residences to be equipped with a portable fire extinguisher

A-2648wGR/S-1935 (Fuentes, Lampitt, Riley/Weinberg, Greenstein) - Concerns disclosure of certain employment information

A-2878wGR/SCS for S-1915, 1898 (Burzichelli, Greenwald, Ramos, Conaway, Caride/Sweeney, Whelan, O'Toole, Allen) - Prohibits requirement to disclose user name, password, or other means for accessing account or service through electronic communications device by employers

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