Friday, August 30, 2013

Christie Video: 'I'll Be Down The Shore This Weekend'

Bradley Beach, August 30, 2013. (Transcript Below)

Reporter: The recovery has been amazing. I mean even getting those boardwalks back up in time for Memorial Day...

Governor Christie: 22 of 23 boardwalks by Memorial Day is a pretty amazing feat and it was a combination of the money we got from the federal government, but mostly the efforts of the local governments in conjunction with the state government to get the work done, get the permitting done and everything else. And a lot of good people from the private sector who came here and worked really hard to get this work done all through the winter and into what was a really lousy spring as we remember. And an awful June for that matter. So we haven't had the benefit of a lot of weather help this summer either, but August has been pretty good and this weekend's going to be great. So, I'll be down here and I hope everyone else comes too.

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