Thursday, August 15, 2013

Democrat Scotch Plains Mayor Endorses Christie

Expanding on the unprecedented level of bipartisan support he has received from across the state and political spectrum in his campaign for reelection, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been endorsed by the Mayor of Scotch Plains, Democrat Kevin Glover. The endorsement marks the seventeenth Democrat mayor and forty-fifth Democrat elected official across New Jersey to cross the aisle and stand with Governor Christie as he seeks reelection.

"I am endorsing Governor Christie because he is a man of his word who has set aside partisanship to put New Jersey and New Jerseyans first," said Mayor Kevin Glover. "The Governor fought to bring sanity to the state budget, to help towns by giving us the tools we need to manage our budgets and control costs. At every step, the big reforms for our state were done with bipartisan cooperation and support, which is what people want and what they expect leaders to do. Finally, Governor Christie maintained this approach while responding to and recovering from Sandy. I am proud to endorse Governor Christie today. In my mind, there is no one better to lead New Jersey and ensure that our needs are met for the next four years."

Scotch Plains is a town that prides itself on its independent streak, having voted for statewide candidates of both parties in recent years. President Obama carried the municipality by 11 percentage points in 2012, while Governor Christie carried the town in 2009. Democrats outnumber Republicans by 8 percentage points and unaffiliated voters are the largest plurality of registered voters in the city.

"I cannot express enough my gratitude for Mayor Glover and the support he has shown for me and for this campaign. We've accomplished great things in this state over the past three and a half years and we've done so by working together to set aside party politics and focus on getting the job done for the people who hired us." said Governor Christie. "Mayor Glover's friendship and partnership has contributed a great deal to New Jersey's progress and, for that, I am proud to have him stand with me in this campaign and for the next four years."

To date, forty-five Democrat elected officials have endorsed Governor Christie for reelection, including: State Senator Brian Stack, Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo, Essex County Sheriff Armando Fontoura, Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider, Orange Mayor Dwayne Warren, Belleville Mayor Ray Kimble, Bloomfield Mayor Ray McCarthy, Glen Ridge Mayor Peter Hughes, Livingston Mayor Rudy Fernandez, Paterson City Council President Anthony Davis, Burlington City Mayor Jim Fazzone, Manville Mayor Angelo Corradino, Chesilhurst Mayor Michael Blunt, Harrison Mayor Ray McDonough, Sea Bright Mayor Dina Long, Harrison City Council members Laurence M. Bennett, Jesus R. Huaranga, James Doran, Victor Villalta, Carol Mandaglio, Michael Dolaghan, Francisco Nascimento, and Anselmo Millan, Garfield Deputy Mayor Tana Raymond, Belleville Town Council members Steve Rovell and Michael Nicosia, Glen Ridge Council President Stuart Patrick and Councilman David Lefkovitz, Point Pleasant Borough Mayor William Schroeder, Spring Lake Mayor Jennifer Naughton, Spring Lake Council President Janice Venables, Spring Lake Council members Bob Drasheff and Priscilla Reilly and Union City Commissioners Tilo Rivas, Lucio Fernandez, Maryury Martinetti, and Celin Valdivia, Secaucus Mayor Michael Gonnelli, Secaucus Town Councilmembers James Clancy, Robert Contantino, Gary Jeffas, William McKeever, and Susan Pirro, River Vale Mayor Joe Blundo, and Scotch Plains Mayor Kevin Glover.

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