Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Inquirer Smacks Down DRPA, Calls For CEO To Go

The Philadelphia Inquirer has come out with a strong editorial excoriating the infamous Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA) for waste and inefficiency.
The newspaper is also calling upon New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett to get more involved in DRPA matters and move to clean up the agency.
And, the Inquirer wonders why the DRPA CEO hasn't been removed amidst all the troubles surrounding the agency.
Here's an excerpt:
The picture that emerges is of an agency [DRPA] that remains deeply dysfunctional and in need of more serious attention from Govs. Christie and Corbett, who are ultimately responsible for it. As long as the DRPA lurches along under the same top management that enabled reckless spending and toll hikes, any supposed reform of the agency should be viewed with skepticism. In documenting these unauthorized salary increases, Raftery has provided 28 more reasons for the DRPA board, Christie, and Corbett to end Matheussen's puzzlingly long reign.
Click here to read the entire editorial.

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