Thursday, August 8, 2013

Lonegan Releases Three New Radio Ads

Steve Lonegan, the GOP frontrunner in New Jersey’s U.S. Senate race released three new radio ads. The ads step up the game in the contentious special election and keep Democrat opponents on the defense.

“Today I released three new radio ads that detail real solutions for our problems. I believe in freedom, I believe in liberty, and I believe in concrete action, not the budget-busting, tax-increasing platitudes offered by my Democrat opponents,” said Lonegan.

“So far the Democrats have given us nothing but meaningless clichés. New Jersey deserves more than empty promises and tweets about Winnie the Pooh,” continued Lonegan in a clear swipe against Democrat frontrunner Cory Booker’s recent Twitter posts about storybook characters and poets.

The radio ads will be featured in immediate regular rotation on radio stations throughout New Jersey and can also be found on the campaign website:

Our Rights are Under Attack
Standing Up to Obama’s War on Liberty
The Jersey Conservative VS Obama Rubber Stamps

Steve Lonegan is the conservative Republican candidate in the New Jersey special election for the United States Senate. Lonegan stands firmly on the bedrock conservative values of small government, fiscal responsibility and individual liberty. Lonegan served twelve years as the mayor of Bogota, NJ and seven years as State Director of Americans for Prosperity where he fought and defeated liberal attempts to further expand big government.

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