Saturday, August 24, 2013

New Camden School Superintendent Wins High Praise

What They Are Saying About The New Camden Schools Superintendent…
“Prayers Have Been Answered”
Cory Booker: “[Rouhanifard] Will Undoubtedly Champion High Quality Public School Options For All Camden Kids.”

Newark Mayor Cory Booker: “In Newark, we have moved aggressively to provide a choice of excellent public schools for every student in our city.  Paymon Rouhanifard has been a critical leader in that work and will undoubtedly champion high quality public school options for all Camden kids.”(Statement, 8/21/13)

Camden Mayor Dana Redd: “Having spent some time with Paymon, I’m inspired by his passion for our children and his commitment to making sure that our students have the same opportunities as every other child in this state, and he has my full support…” (Press Release, 8/21/13)

Redd: “I’m inspired by the work that the Governor has done and how he has remained intimately involved in the process knowing his very busy schedule. It was our Governor that took time to interview the potential candidates for superintendent of our district and it was our Governor that picked the best fit for our families and youth in Camden, and you can clap on that.”

School Board President Kathryn Blackshear: “My prayers have been answered…” (Phil Dunn, “New leader for Camden schools selected,” Courier-Post, 8/22/13)

Blackshear: “It speaks right to Camden…What he went through and where he is now, it excited me.” (Julia Terruso and Claudia Vargas, “Christie names new schools superintendent in Camden,” Inquirer, 8/22/13)

Democrats for Education Reform New Jersey State Director Kathleen Nugent: “DFER-NJ applauds Governor Christie and Commissioner Cerf for their efforts behind the nomination of Paymon Rouhanifard. He is a leader who is deeply committed to revitalizing Camden’s public schools, with on the ground experience leading the reform of school systems from New York City, NY to Newark, NJ. His nomination is a significant win for the students, families, educators, and stakeholders of the city.” (Statement, 8/21/13)

Nugent: “Rouhanifard is the right leader at the right time to restore the promise of quality public school options for Camden's children.”

Harlem Children’s Zone President and Chief Executive Officer Geoffrey Canada: “I have worked with Paymon and have seen his passion and commitment for helping the children of Harlem and New York City achieve their potential.  I know that he will bring that same spirit to Camden.  I am excited about his announcement and look forward to supporting him in any way that I can.” (Statement, 8/21/13)

Teach For America New Jersey Executive Director Fatimah Burnam-Watkins: “Congratulations to Paymon Rouhanifard on becoming superintendent of Camden School District.  During his time with Teach For America Paymon taught 6th grade in New York City.  He went on to work at the New York Department of Education and most recently served as Chief Strategy Officer supporting Superintendent Cami Anderson’s plan for ensuring Newark students achieve at the highest level and graduate college and career ready.  We look forward to learning more about his ideas for Camden and partnering on behalf of New Jersey’s students.” (Statement, 8/21/13)

Better Education for Kids (B4K) Executive Director Derrell Bradford: “We are happy to see that Camden’s Mayor Dana Redd, a Democrat, and Governor Chris Christie, a Republican, both support this hire.  Education reform, and the success of our students, should always have bipartisan support.” (Statement, 8/21/13)

TEAM Charter Schools Founder and Executive Director Ryan Hill: “To get to the point where every kid in the city has access to a great school, Camden needs a leader with the skills to manage a broad landscape of schools and the temperament and sensibility to involve and build upon the work of the parents and community leaders who are already on the ground fighting for their kids every day. I have seen Paymon be that leader in Newark and in New York, and I am certain that he is exactly the leader Camden needs. In selecting Paymon Rouhanifard to the Superintendent position, Commissioner Cerf and Governor Christie have made a strong statement that they believe the children of Camden are capable of world-class levels of achievement, and that they are committed to getting them there.” (Statement, 8/21/13)

Newark Charter School Fund CEO Mashea Ashton: “Paymon was instrumental in fostering a collaborative spirit between the district and the public charter school sector in Newark by engaging charters in city-wide accountability and universal enrollment systems.  We wish Paymon the best in Camden and will continue the work he helped advance to ensure that every child in Newark has access to a high-quality public school.” (Statement, 8/21/13)

New York City Department of Education Chancellor Dennis M. Walcott: “I am thrilled that Paymon Rouhanifard has been selected to lead Camden City Public Schools. He has a strong vision for change and cares deeply about the work of improving a school system. During our time working together he was a trusted thought partner with high integrity, and I always found that he led by example. Camden’s families will have an advocate in Paymon.” (Statement, 8/21/13)

New York City Department of Education Former Chancellor Joel I. Klein: “The appointment of Paymon Rouhanifard as Superintendent of Camden City Public Schools is the right move at the right time. In my experience working directly with Paymon, he has shown himself to be more than ready for the job. He is smart, dedicated, tough, and unrelentingly committed to making sure every child gets a great education. He has bold ideas and knows how to translate them into real results for students.  Camden’s students need a Superintendent who will fight for them to get the great education they deserve. Paymon is the leader they want in their corner.” (Statement, 8/21/13)

Louisiana State Superintendent of Education John C. White: “In selecting Paymon Rouhanifard as Superintendent of Camden, the Christie Administration is keeping its promise to fix Camden’s public schools. Having known Paymon for nearly a decade, I know firsthand that he is the right person to take on this important job. He is a decisive leader who questions the status quo because he deeply believes that students deserve better. He'll work tirelessly on behalf of Camden's public school families.  I applaud Governor Christie and Commissioner Cerf for making a vital investment in Camden’s future by selecting Paymon Rouhanifard as Superintendent.” (Statement, 8/21/13)

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