Friday, August 23, 2013

Photos: A Magical Journey Through Canyons, Arches!

Our journey through Canyonlands and Arches National Parks has been magical in every sense of the word.
The vastness of the areas we visited cannot be captured by camera or video nor can it be adequately explained. The endless caverns, canyons, rock formations and huge naturally-created arches that we viewed are beyond the imagination or scope of mere mortals.
Feebly (in the face of nature's mammoth domain) we present the above photos in the hope that they will give you some idea of these thrilling wonders in Utah, Colorado and along the mighty Colorado River.
America, America God shed his grace on thee.
The words are so beautiful and so true.
And during our touring today, we met travelers from all over the world: China, Italy, Spain, Ireland, England, France, Scandanavia and China.
They all want to see the natural wonders of our great nation.
God bless America!
All photos copyright 2013 by Dan Cirucci.

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