Monday, September 2, 2013

As School Begins, Help The Pro-Live Movement

A very special message from  

As students of all ages head back to school in the next few weeks, they might have feelings of anticipation for what's ahead mixed with reluctance for the summer to end. There's probably a renewed sense of dedication to study hard, make good grades, put in more effort than last year...held in tension with an awareness that success rarely comes easily; that staying on task through months of class time, homework assignments, and testing will not always seem worth the effort; and that if they are to reach their goals, they will probably need help along the way.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It also ends with a single step-and includes a whole lot of steps in between. The journey is easier when we have others to come alongside and encourage us, help carry our burdens, maybe share some of their own, and remind us that we aren't alone. I think that the same applies to those who are walking this path of unconditional respect for life.

Whether you've been pro-life for a few decades or for a few months, you have probably had moments when the sheer magnitude of the movement has overwhelmed you. Advocating for all stages of life to be valued and legally protected from conception to natural death is a lofty goal to hold, and it can seem daunting when faced with the long, uphill road ahead.

However, each person involved in the movement is part of a larger team working together on behalf of the same cause; the part you play might be very different from the one your neighbor plays, but your contribution has an impact that is unique and indispensable. We can help each other reach the goal. It is worth connecting.

You could have a heart for counseling, listening, educating, speaking, praying, giving, organizing, etc. No matter what your area of interest, you are needed on this journey. You're also among friends who want to assist you. Why not reach out? If you are pro-life and want to express your support in a practical way, consider contacting the Philly Pro-Life team to learn more about ways you can walk together on the pro-life road ahead.

Heather Wilson

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