Saturday, September 28, 2013

Christie Honors Parents Of Fallen Military

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today issued the following statement in recognition of Parents of Fallen Military Sons and Daughters Day:

“We pause to honor the mothers and daughters of our fallen soldiers, who continue to inspire our nation in the face of incredible loss and sadness. For any parent, the thought of losing a child is incomprehensible, but the courage, strength and resolve of these parents who channel their grief into supporting fellow military families and servicemembers is truly awe-inspiring. In their sacrifice and selflessness, we see the best of what America has to offer. They speak to the character of our nation and encourage us to continue our duty and responsibility as Americans to honor and support them and their families. On behalf of parents across the state of New Jersey, Mary Pat and I honor and thank these extraordinary parents for continuing to be pillars of strength for our military communities and families.”

In 2011, Governor Christie signed legislation creating the Gold Star Family license plate for families of fallen servicemembers who lost their lives while serving on active duty for the United States.

Governor Christie also issued a proclamation marking September 29, 2013 as “Parents of Fallen Military Sons And Daughters Day” throughout New Jersey.

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