Monday, September 23, 2013

Christie Receives Four New Significant Endorsements

Adding a wave of professional law enforcement organizational support to his campaign for reelection, Governor Christie today announced the endorsements of the Port Authority Police Sergeants Benevolent Association, Port Authority Lieutenants Benevolent Association, Port Authority Police Detectives Endowment Association, and Waterfront Commission Police Detectives Endowment Association. The Port Authority Lieutenants Benevolent and Police Detectives Endowment Associations and Waterfront Commission Police Detectives Endowment each represent new and expanded support in 2013 for Governor Christie that were not received in 2009.

Along with the support of the 1,300-member Port Authority Police Benevolent Association announced in January of this year, the support of the Port Authority Lieutenant, Detective, and Sergeant associations provide the Governor with a full and complete set of endorsements from the law enforcement unions representing the men and women of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey law enforcement.

"It is an honor to have such broad support among the men and women who are charged with the mission and duty of protecting the people and infrastructure of this region," said Governor Christie. "Our respect and support is mutual and the result of the partnerships and progress we have forged over the past three and half years. Those efforts are getting results for the people of New Jersey and this region – economic growth, hardened security, and public safety that comes from on the extraordinary people who protect our ports, bridges, tunnels and rail infrastructure. I’m incredibly proud to have this support and to continue our work over the next four years.”

The Christie Administration has worked closely with the Port Authority to modernize infrastructure, and invest in long term economic growth and job creation. Specifically, the administration has secured funding for the raising of the Bayonne Bridge, replacing the Goethals Bridge, upgrading infrastructure at Port Newark Container Terminal, and constructing a new PATH station in Harrison.

“Governor Christie has been a partner for officers at every level at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey,” said Jeff Baumbach, President of the Port Authority Lieutenants Benevolent Association. “He not only understands the commitment we make to this region in keeping residents safe at our tunnels, bridges, airports, ports, and transportation systems, he has stood with the men and women of Port Authority law enforcement on the issues. We’re proud to stand with him today.”

“As the US Attorney who served in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, Governor Christie understands first-hand the needs and challenges of Port Authority law enforcement in protecting some of the most high-profile security targets in the world,” said Patrick McNerney, President of the Port Authority Police Detectives Endowment Association. “With that perspective, he has stood shoulder to shoulder with us on security issues and ensuring that our assets are properly guarded with both the latest technology and the men and women on the ground needed to keep our policing and law enforcement efforts second to none.”

“Just as the Governor has been a steadfast, strong leader during times of crisis for the people of New Jersey, he has provided the leadership and vision necessary to secure the proper investments in our assets and modernize Port-area infrastructure,” said Steve Prospero, President of the Port Authority Police Sergeants Benevolent Association. “Those achievements will keep our region at the forefront of commerce and economic growth, and ensure Port Authority law enforcement continue to have the proud responsibility of providing world class security and law enforcement for New Jerseyans and New Yorkers.”

“On the waterfront, nothing gets done without partnership. Today, it is in that same spirit and tradition of partnership that the Detectives’ Endowment Association representing the dedicated detectives of the Waterfront Commission Police join with our Port Authority Police union brethren to endorse Governor Chris Christie for a second term as governor of the great state of New Jersey,” said Ricardo Cuadra, President of the Waterfront Commission Police Detectives’ Endowment Association.

In addition to the previous endorsement from the Port Authority Police Benevolent Association, Governor Christie has also earned the support and endorsement of the National Coalition of Latino Officers, the Essex County Police Chiefs Association, and Essex County Sheriff Armando Fontoura.

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