Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Christie Releases New TV Ad: Taxes

Today, Christie for Governor launched its fourth ad of the General Election entitled “Taxes.” The ad continues to highlight Barbara Buono’s record as a Trenton politician, voting to raise taxes and fees on New Jersey families 154 times, including income, sales, and health care taxes, while also voting to increase her own pay by a whopping 40%.

“Over and over during her career in Trenton, Barbara Buono voted to raise taxes and fees on hardworking New Jersey families, and then she voted to spend those taxpayer dollars on a 40 percent pay raise for herself,” said Christie for Governor Campaign Manager Bill Stepien. “That type of reckless, self-interested taxing and spending by Barbara Buono put New Jersey on the brink of fiscal disaster. Thankfully, Governor Christie arrived on the scene three years ago and rescued our state from the crisis caused by Jon Corzine and his budget chair."

Beginning this morning, the 30-second spot will run as part of an additional buy of nearly $1.5 million in the New York City and Philadelphia markets, statewide cable, radio, and online.

Watch “Taxes” here.

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