Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Millions Decide To 'Opt Out' Of Obamacare

Generation Opportunity, a national, non-partisan youth advocacy organization, launched its #OptOut campaign on Thursday with two viral videos that have already combined for over 3 million views on YouTube and Facebook.

#OptOut is a digital and grassroots campaign designed to highlight alternatives to expensive and creepy Obamacare exchanges.

Here's what people are saying about #OptOut and Creepy Uncle Sam:

US News & World Report: Generation Opportunity is pointing the way. They're not the ones who made Uncle Sam "creepy" and overly-intrusive; the people who voted to pass Obamacare did that.

New York Times (A1): One group called Generation Opportunity distributed a Web video last week showing a creepy-looking Uncle Sam peering between a woman’s legs at a gynecologist’s office. 'Don’t let government play doctor,' the video says at the end. 'Opt out of Obamacare.' In the face of the intense opposition, the White House is pushing ahead with a vigorous public relations effort that will begin accelerating Monday, according to top White House aides in charge of the program.

Los Angeles Times (A1): [P]owerful conservative groups are trying to persuade Americans to opt out of the law. This week, the group Generation Opportunity aired a Web video depicting Uncle Sam popping up between the legs of a young woman at the gynecologist's office. The video drew more than 600,000 views within 36 hours.

Daily Caller: Creepy Uncle Sam is the best political mascot since normal Uncle Sam...brushing aside the panicked innuendos the left brings to every waking moment, all the young folks over at Generation Opportunity are seeing are clicks. Awareness of their cause. Alertness to their message... let the outrage continue. Let more readers click, and learn a thing or two about the options they have in front of them.

Hot Air: The hardest trick in making your case on health-care policy is first getting the public to pay attention. Mission accomplished. I laughed, but that’s because Uncle Sam here reminds me of the Burger King and the thought of the King hanging around exam rooms giving out prostate exams is funny and … oddly plausible, actually.

Evan Feinberg, President of Generation Opportunity, issued the following statement:

"The feigned outrage on the left shows that they're genuinely terrified that young people will hear our message.

“Obamacare supporters are using millions of taxpayer dollars in an attempt to brainwash my generation into signing up for an expensive, unfair, and, quite frankly, creepy pyramid scheme.

“We want young people to know they have options — including the ability to opt out of Obamacare by paying a relatively small penalty and purchasing a non-Obamacare plan on the private market.

“We don’t have celebrities and taxpayer dollars like Enroll America so we are relying on creativity and grassroots activism to reach our fellow Millennials."

Visit www.optout.org for more information.

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