Thursday, September 5, 2013

Obama, Biden, Kerry, Hagel All Opposed Bush Intervention

Excerpts from an editorial in today's edition of the Wall Street Journal:

Mr. Obama is luckier in his opposition in Congress than was President George W. Bush. Mr. Bush had Senator Barack Obama, who opposed his predecessor's foreign policy at nearly every turn, including relentless hostility to the 2007 "surge" that defeated the Iraq insurgency.
Mr. Bush was also stuck with Senator Joe Biden, who opposed the Iraq surge, and who also opposed George H.W. Bush on the 1990 Gulf War, as well as Ronald Reagan on missile defenses and escorting tankers in the Persian Gulf in 1987. The challenge is finding a single security policy by a Republican President that Mr. Biden did support as a Democratic Senator—save for the Iraq war resolution in 2002 that he soon repudiated when the going got tough.
And, as for John Kerry, well that 'ole flip-flopper was before the Iraq War before he was against it. Here's an excerpt from the New York Times of August 30:
He came to national attention as a Vietnam War hero who became an antiwar activist, asking Congress in 1971, “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?” In 2003, he supported the war against Iraq’s Saddam Hussein — a “brutal, murderous dictator,” as he put it at the time — only to turn against what he called the “catastrophic choice” as the war went south and he ran for president against George W. Bush in 2004.
As for your new Secretary of Defense (and former Senator) Chuck Hagel, Politico said on January 9 that Hagel represented:
a clear rejection of Bush-style unilateralism and aggressiveness abroad. He [Hagel] has criticized proposals for using force against Iran, opposed Bush’s troop surge in Iraq, called for talks with Hamas and rejected little-challenged staples of foreign policy like the Cuba embargo.
These guys opposed intervention by Bush and undeminded him every chance they got. But now that the Democrats are in office and they're running the show, they'd have you believe that they never held such positions and that nothing of the sort ever happened.
Quite simply, they're a buncha phonies -- NOT the type of people you'd wanna share a foxhole with. 

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