Thursday, September 5, 2013

Obama Will Do What Best Serves Obama

As the debate heats up on Syria, the nation's leading columnists and commentators are weighing in. Kevin O' Brien has written a wonderful column at the Cleveland Plain-Dealer on the Syrian situation. Here are some excerpts:

The line out of the administration late last week was that any strike on Syria was not "time-sensitive."
If you're a Syrian insurgent or just an ordinary Syrian resident of the wrong place at the wrong time — which is to say, in the kill zone of a chemical weapon — you'd probably take a different view of time-sensitivity.
But the life-and-death priorities of today's average Syrian don't happen to line up with Obama's current political needs.
Obama is interested only in finding a way out of the corner he painted himself into months ago with loose talk about red lines and game changers. . . . . 
But those missiles may yet fly.At whatever point Obama perceives a personal political benefit to dropping $20 million worth of ordnance on Syria, he'll do it — and he'll do it without a second thought for Congress or its constitutional prerogatives. Obama will do whatever he wants to do, whenever he wants to do it, because U.S. foreign policy is no longer based on the interests of the nation. It is based — entirely — on the interests of one unprincipled man.
Click here to read the full column.

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