Monday, September 2, 2013

Priebus, RNC: Honor Tradition Of Hard Work

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus and Co-Chairman Sharon Day released the following Labor Day statement:

“On Labor Day we celebrate the American worker, and we honor the tradition of hard work that built this nation,” said Chairman Priebus. “America’s economic leadership in the world is a testament to our workforce—in the fields, factories, offices, schools, and stores all across the country.

“But today we’re also thinking about the millions who want to work but can’t find a job—and those who want to be employed full time but can only secure part time work. Sadly, the job-killing policies of an overgrown federal government have made it harder for these Americans.

“Republicans believe in unlimited opportunity for everyone. That begins with a quality education, and it means being able to find a good job. On Labor Day and every day, that’s what we’re fighting for.”

“We wish everyone a Happy Labor Day,” said Co-Chairman Day. “Labor Day is about paying tribute to what makes our nation great—the determination, innovation and ingenuity of hardworking Americans. Let’s honor them today and dedicate ourselves to expanding job opportunities for all Americans.”

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