Thursday, September 19, 2013

Report: Cory Booker Violated Law He Signed

Newark Mayor Cory Booker has repeatedly spoken out against abandoned properties in his city and even signed a law that all owners of such properties must register with the city. But, according to a new report Booker violated that same law with regard to a property he owned.
An excerpt from the report in the National Review:
"During his tenure as mayor of Newark, Booker has spoken out against the neglected properties that litter the city, and in August 2011, he signed into law an ordinance requiring landowners to register vacant properties with the city’s Office of Rent Control. The mayor himself, however, failed to register the Court Street house [that he owned], according to Maria Hernandez in Newark’s rent-control office. The ordinance required those who owned vacant property at the time of the law’s passage to register it by August 31, 2011, with the penalty for noncompliance being a fine between $500 and $1,000. 'Every day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense,' the ordinance reads."

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