Monday, September 9, 2013

Tea Party Ass'n. Announces Constitution Week Events

A special message from the Independence Hall Tea Party Association:

Constitution Week Events, September 10-September 17
As we close out the 225th Anniversary Year of the US Constitution, there will be several important events honoring that most precious document.
Constituting America, founded by Emmy Award nominated actress Janine Turner, will return to Philadelphia for its third annual event featuring very talented children who honor the constitution through music, language, the visual and broadcast arts.
The event will be held Monday, September 16, at the National Constitution Center.
(This venue was chosen before the announcement of Hillary Clinton as the 2013 Liberty Medal recipient.)

What Difference Does It Make? Presser; Prayer Vigil for Benghazi Victims
When:  Tuesday, September 10, 4:30 PM Presser; 5:15 PM Prayer Vigil
Where:  Independence Mall,  5th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, PA
Award Announcement:  2013 Defender of Liberty Medal

Sponsored by the Independence Hall Foundation.  More details to follow. 

Event is free and open to the public.

Dom Giordano and WPHT 1210 AM Welcome Donald Rumsfeld
When:  Tuesday evening, September 10, 7 PM
Where:  Valley Forge Military Academy and College, Wayne, PA
Matthew J. Ryan Center Presents "Marriage, the Courts, and the Constitution"
When:  Thursday, September 12, 4 PM
Where:  Room 102, Villanova School of Law.
Who:  Lecture by Henry Salvatori Professor of Law & Community Service, Chapman University School of Law
Co-sponsored by the Jack Miller Center.  Continuing Legal Education for attendance.  Lecture is free and open to the public. 
Wynnewood Institute Reviews Niall Ferguson's Civilization
When:   Thursday, September 12, 7:30-9:30 PM
Where:  104 Haverford Road, Wynnewood, PA 19106
Who:      Lecture by Professor Thomas Patrick Burke
Event is free and open to the public.
To register, visit:  
2013 We The People 9.17 Contest Winner Performance
When:   Monday, September 16, 12:30 PM
Where:  National Constitution Center, 6th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia
Event is free and open to the public.

To register, please click the following link:
Hope to see you soon!
On behalf of the Association Board,
Teri Adams

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