Friday, September 27, 2013

'The History of The World' According To Cory Booker

From our friend and favorite blogger Matt Rooney at Save Jersey:
Tales of Cory Booker’s heroics (and the fuzzy details behind them) could easily fill a book, Save Jerseyans.
He’ll have to settle for a blog. Between now and the special Senate election on October 16th, I’m going to do my best to chronicle each and every gallant deed of Newark’s part-time mayor, full-time tweeter throughout the annals of time.
It’s “History According to Cory” as told by Save Jersey. And long before he was attending Wazne Millertweeting with strippers, running into burning buildings and chatting up T-Bone & friends…
Chapter 1: St. Cory at the Passion of the Christ

- See more at:

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