Thursday, October 31, 2013

59th Elected Democrat Endorses Christie

Continuing to build bipartisan support for his reelection bid in the final week of the campaign, Governor Christie was today endorsed by lifelong Democrat and Penns Grove Councilwoman Jeanette Jackson. Councilwoman Jackson is the 59th elected Democrat to cross the aisle and endorse Governor Christie for reelection.

"Today, I'm proud to endorse Governor Christie - a leader who has consistently fought for bold, bipartisan solutions and that has put the best interests of our families and our state before politics. Importantly for local elected officials across the state, the Governor has made it clear that we have a partner in the Governor's Office by always having his door open and listening to our concerns and needs in an unprecedented way - and without concern for our party affiliation," said Councilwoman Jeanette Jackson. "For his partnership on some of New Jersey's toughest issues, and for his continued leadership through the most difficult of circumstances, I'm proud to say that Governor Chris Christie has earned my support and I endorse him for for reelection."

Penns Grove is a deeply Democrat Salem County town where Democrats outnumber Republicans by 46% and President Obama carried the town by 64% in 2012. Richly diverse, Penns Grove’s population is nearly 40% African American and over 28% Hispanic.

“I am extraordinarily proud of the broad-based, inclusive campaign we are running and the diverse support that we’ve earned by following a simple principle – working with people of good will, regardless of their party or where they come from, to get things done for the people we represent,” said Governor Christie. “Making that fundamental change was crucial to fixing the broken politics in our state, and I am proud of the record of accomplishment we have achieved for New Jersey by focusing on results, rather than partisan dysfunction. It’s an honor to share in those partnerships and that record with public servants like Councilwoman Jackson and I am thrilled to have her support in this campaign.”

Governor Christie has built a broad, diverse coalition of support representing communities across the state and Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike. The Governor has been endorsed by African American leaders and elected officials throughout the state, including Orange Mayor Dwayne Warren, Chesilhurst Mayor Michael Blunt, Paterson Councilman Anthony Davis, Bishop Reginald Jackson, more than 20 African American clergy leaders, and most recently Newark native, former NBA star, and community leader Shaquille O’Neal.

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