Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bipartisanship: We Could Learn A Lot From Christie

Drawing a sharp contrast between Governor Christie’s bipartisan accomplishments and effective leadership with the gridlock and dysfunction of Trenton before his arrival, the Christie for Governor campaign today announced its 6th television ad of the General Election entitled “Bipartisan.”

When Governor Christie took office, irresponsibility and mismanagement in Trenton had left New Jersey at the brink of fiscal disaster. Governor Christie has taken the state in a starkly different direction and shown what strong leadership can accomplish, even with the reality of divided government.

In the 30-second ad, the Governor speaks directly and personally about his bipartisan approach to governing and the landmark accomplishments it has produced for the people of New Jersey.

“I stand up strongly for principles and I speak bluntly and directly, and I say what I believe. But I also know that my job is to get things done for the people of the state,” Governor Christie says in the ad. “Every accomplishment we’ve had in New Jersey – cutting taxes, cutting spending, improving education, tenure reform, pension and benefit reform. Everything we’ve done has been a bipartisan accomplishment. It’s my job to make sure that that compromise happens. You see, as long as you stick to your principles compromise isn’t a dirty word.”

By providing the leadership needed to find the common ground between getting everything you want and sacrificing firmly-held principles, Governor Christie delivered results for New Jerseyans that has defied the conventional wisdom of what divided government is capable of.

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