Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Christie Video: Working To Make NJ Competitive

Bayer HealthCare Grand Opening Ceremony in Whippany - October 16, 2013. (Transcript Below)

Governor Christie: We need to continue to work on things that will help to make the business environment better in this state. We need to do it for all of you. And more importantly, we need to do it for all the people who aspire to be you. To be working for a great company, working on important projects that will affect positively the lives of people all across this country and around the world, while at the same time making a good living to help to support your families and to put food on the tables of your children and grandchildren all across this state. That's very important. And the only way to have that happen is for us to work together in the state to make sure that we create the kind of environment that will keep folks, like Dr. Decker, signing those checks. So I was proud to work with the legislature, and signed just a few weeks ago the Economic Opportunity Act which is the most comprehensive overhaul of New Jersey's economic incentives in our history. It's a bipartisan bill. It streamlines all the different economic development incentive programs to spur job creation and make New Jersey more competitive into two programs. And we've gotten it done. And I think what you're going to see now all across the state is continued development because we are making it worthwhile for corporate CEOs and small businesses across our country to come and reconsider New Jersey as the place where they'd like to see their business grow and prosper.

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