Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Christie (With Huge Lead) Now Offers Coattails

From our friends at the wonderful Save Jersey blog:
Christie HQ OpeningQuinnipiac poll released this morning indicates that Governor Chris Christie is running away with his race for reelection with 64% of the vote among likely voters, including support from 31% of Democratics.
More voters say they don’t know enough about Barbara Buono, the Middlesex County State Senator challenging Christie, than say they will vote for her.  35% say the have no opinion of her. 31% say they will vote for her.  Of those saying they will vote for Buono, 7% said there is a good chance they will change their minds before they cast their ballots.
48% said they would like to see Christie run for President of the United States.  41% said they would rather he didn’t run for President.
“From the banks of the Delaware to the beaches of the Atlantic, New Jersey voters like their governor, Christopher Christie.  On the banks of the Potomac?  Less like the governor, but still a lot” said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
With his reelection virtually assured, Christie has devoted campaign resources to pick up three State Senate seats, according to a report in PolitickerNJ.
- See more at: http://savejersey.com/2013/10/christie-legislative-seats-races-governor-new-jersey/#sthash.PaBEcyk5.dpuf

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