Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Christie's Compelling New Ad: Direct, Personal

Christie for Governor today released its 10th television ad of the General Election entitled “Right Direction.” In the 30-second spot, Governor Christie recalls some of his first moments with victims in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, and articulates his mission of restoring normalcy to the lives of the state’s families and continuing to move New Jersey in the right direction.

“The first person I saw when I got off the helicopter was a woman. She saw me and she burst into tears. And she said to me ‘everything’s gone, you have to help me.’ I think people wanted me to tell them that it was gonna be ok, and that I wouldn’t forget them. And I know that there’s nothing more important for me to do as Governor than to complete the mission of bringing their lives back to normal,” says Governor Christie in the ad. “I know we still have work to do, but I really believe, finally, New Jersey’s moving in the right direction.”

Through his steady leadership in responding to the storm, his bipartisan work in taking on the biggest challenges facing our state, and his commitment to always put the people he represents first, the Governor has been the strong, effective leader New Jersey has needed for the past four years. The Governor’s resolution to complete that mission and to continue making bipartisan progress for the state in a second term is his commitment to the people of New Jersey.

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